Mini Medical School: A Focus on Global Health

A Focus on Global Health is designed to broaden understanding of how global health impacts local health. COVID-19 has shown that what happens in one part of the world affects communities everywhere. Session topics will explore global health research and social responsibility.
Mini Medical School offers a unique perspective into the health sciences at the University of Minnesota. In this learning series, students – ranging in age from high school students to retirees – with a shared interest in health embark on a journey examining the scientific foundations of health and disease, with learning materials presented using common language for ease of understanding complex topics.
Access the full suite of materials in Mini Medical School: A Focus on Global Health on Canvas
Global Health and Social Responsibility: Reexamining Medical Missions (Mini Medical School Session #1)
The idea of global health may seem exciting...even adventurous. While this image has inspired generations of well-intentioned global health practitioners to take up the mantle and pursue work in global health, it has also created for-profit industries and interventions that can cause more harm than good.
During session 1 of the University of Minnesota’s Mini Medical School: A Focus on Global Health, a panel of individuals committed to social responsibility will discuss the history and impacts of short-term global health interventions— with a specific focus on medical missions.
Global Health is Local Health: Connecting Global Health to the Health of Minnesota (Mini Medical School Session #2)
The social determinants of health—the conditions in which we live, work, and play—are universal. Social forces such as systemic racism, unfair economic systems, marginalization, and maldistribution of power shape access to adequate housing, employment, education, food, and water in ways that translate into the health inequities we witness in our communities, no matter where we live.
During session 2 of the University of Minnesota’s Mini Medical School: A Focus on Global Health, a group of global health experts working in local contexts will discuss the intersection of global and local health, the social determinants of health, and global health considerations in Minnesota.
Global Health Research: The Importance of Global Collaboration to Battle Global Threats (Mini Medical School #3)
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, global health researchers have explored how potential solutions to health challenges in other parts of the world can also solve challenges within our own backyard. The key to our global health research at the University of Minnesota is mutually-beneficial and sustainable partnerships.
During session 3 of the University of Minnesota’s Mini Medical School: A Focus on Global Health, a group of global health experts working around the world will discuss the importance of partnership building in global health research, and the value and impact of global health research.