Global Health Ethics

Global Health Ethics is an on-campus course taught by Dr. Shailey Prasad, director of CGHSR, which examines the current state of global health and the ethical frameworks that need to be considered in global health engagements.
Using a seminar-based model, this course explores various ethical frameworks including development ethics, public health ethics, religion and ethics, and biomedical ethics. Students engage in discussions on ethical issues in global health engagements, pandemics, disasters, and global aid, and apply their understanding of ethical frameworks to case-based analysis.

"The organic discussion that happened in our class together was truly incredible – by far the best I've ever experienced in a for–credit classroom setting. I was originally a little worried about the small class size, but I think it ultimately made it easier for us to establish trust amongst one another, which then led to deeper discussions. I just wish it had been longer!"
– Anonymous student in the 2022 course
Global Health Ethics Instructors

Director, Tibetan Healing Initiative, Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing
Discover How to Apply
Global Health Ethics is open to University of Minnesota graduate and professional students. Students may enroll in this course as part of their normal semester registration period. Look out for this course at the Public Health Institute, summer 2024.
Global Health Ethics is open to all UMN graduate and professional students (post-baccalaureate).
Upper-level undergraduates may be considered for this course. If you are interested in the course, please reach out to [email protected] with a brief description of your area of study and interests to determine eligibility.
Credit & Requirements
Academic Credit
Global Health Ethics (GHSR 6725) is a 2 credit course.
It is up to the student to confer with their academic unit to determine if it meets their specific program requirements. Students may be allowed to apply this program to other academic requirements or as elective credit per approval by their unit.
All students are expected to miss no more than one class session and to complete the weekly course assignments.
Dates & Location
Dates and Location
The class is held on Tuesday evenings from 5:30–8:30 pm. The course runs only during the first half of the semester, September 5 – October 17.
The class takes place on East Bank of the Twin Cities campus.
Registration for Global Health Ethics (GHSR 6725) is now open. The course will take place during the 2023 fall semester.
Students may enroll in this course as part of their normal fall semester registration period, which opened Thursday, April 13, 2023.
Please follow the instructions from OneStop on how to register for a class